Friday, July 26, 2013

My Second Life: A List of Writing Works in Progress

I realized today that I haven't posted anything to this blog since April.  For those who don't know, I took a summer job working at a biological field station, and I haven't had much time for writing, much less for projects. I'm also not on the kitchen staff here, so I've done almost no cooking all summer.  However, I do have several small writing projects I've done a little work on here and there, so I thought it would be good to give you guys a little sneak peek of my future work.

1) I'm in the final stages of finishing up my NaNoWriMo novel, Rise of the Wobanzi. I haven't
managed to get a literary agent despite 20+ queries, so I'm thinking I will self-publish this guy soon.

I have to say, I'm pretty proud to be one of last year's winners.
2) Speaking of NaNoWriMo, I'm planning a sequel to my first book with the title Fall of the Wobanzi. This will be my insanity project for the month of November, so I really need to get the first book published by the end of October. I'm also planning a third and final book for the wobanzi series called Wobanzi Nation, which will be written in November 2014 for NaNoWriMo. (I'd hate to mess with tradition and write it outside of that time frame! :p)

3) Even though Homophobe: A Logical Response to an Ignorant Ideology has already been published, I'm thinking about working on a second edition with more extensive discussions of the topic. I've also kicked around the idea of writing a second book on a similar subject that includes a religious component, but those ideas haven't coalesced into anything tangible at the moment.

4) I'm mostly finished with a wedding planning book that I'm writing titled Aisle Aspirations: A Guide to Planning an Amazing Non-Traditional Wedding. It lacks a few more sections, but I've already sent it to one of my editors (i.e. a friend who is awesome enough to read through it even though it's not quite finished yet) and have gotten back some good comments.  Hopefully that will be finished by early-mid fall if I stay on top of things.

I think one of my biggest fears is hearing this from one of my readers.
5) I am also thinking about publishing all of my poetry from high school into a single work.  This wouldn't be very mind-consuming, it would just be a matter of getting it all in one place. I used to have all of my poems in soft copies, but that laptop crashed. I have the hard drive, so if I could get everything off, that would make this publication very easy.  If not, it would just be a matter of typing it all up and then stitching it all together...which is a doable Sunday-off sort of project. The title for this work would be Serendipity: A Poetic Journey Through My Adolescence.

6) I've written a few paragraphs for a children's book called The Essence of Life, which is about clouds discussing the meaning of life.  This could be good, but it has a long way to go. I have three  other books that are in this same state of just-getting-started. One is going to be a memoir titled Kissing Frogs and another is going to be a narrative non-fiction about balancing your career with your spirituality that I'm planning to call Soular Symbiosis.  The last one is titled Skyward Deflation and is about how important blows to our ego are in making us better, more confident people even though that sounds counter-intuitive. We will see how those turn out once inspiration strikes me to put more time into them.

I'm gonna need you to write more on Saaaturdays. Yeah.

7) My latest writing project was started last night (as my writing muse has no regard for my need to sleep).  It is tentatively titled Stationed: The Ups and Downs of Life at a Field Station. I'm on the fence about whether to make this a narrative non-fiction with names/places changed to protect the innocent (or the not so innocent), but I've also thought about just fictionalizing the whole thing and drawing off of my experiences here. If I fictionalize it, I don't know if I'll only slightly fictionalize it, or if I'll turn it into a monster-horror sort of thing. (That later sounds super fun!)

I'm really hoping to get some of these out by the end of the year.  With a little luck and a lot of work, you can expect to see a number of these available via Smashwords in the next year. Keep a look out for me! If you have any opinions on what you think would be best to get published first, I'd love to hear your comments. :) (Also, your opinions might spur my writing muse...and he's kind of a slave-driver these days!)
Sometimes, I really do think Bender might actually
be behind my inspiration kicks. What a troll!

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